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Since 2013
Thousands of satisfied customers

More than 10 years of experience

With over 10 years of experience, our team consists of experienced and qualified professionals who are happy to assist you with any questions or problems. We are happy to advise you on our products and help you select the product that best suits your needs. Customer service is our top priority, and we do everything we can to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase from us.

Welcome to

We are your reliable and competent partner for everything you need for your laboratory. Since 2013, several tens of thousands of satisfied regular customers have trusted us.

We have an extensive range of products ready for you, both for professional and private use, for hobby laboratories and research facilities. From simple glassware such as beakers and flasks to complex laboratory equipment, chemicals, and metal powders – you'll find everything you need with us. We rely on products from well-known manufacturers, known for their quality and reliability.

Our Ambition

Our goal is to offer you high-quality products at a fair price. That's why we rely on efficient logistics and optimized processes to provide you with a good price-performance ratio. We look forward to convincing you of our offer. Browse through our range of products and order conveniently online or contact us for individual advice. We look forward to hearing from you!

Welcome to!

We are your reliable and competent partner for everything you need for your laboratory. Since 2013, several tens of thousands of satisfied regular customers have trusted us.

Hilfreiche Blueprints
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easy Content 
Platzieren Sie per Drag and Drop Inhalte in Ihrem Shop. Content-Pflege war noch nie so einfach.

Integriertes Tutorial
Mit unserem Tutorial lernen Sie im Handumdrehen die wichtigsten Funktionen des OPC kennen.

Aktionen planen
Legen Sie fest, zu welchen Zeitpunkten Sie Inhalte veröffentlichen. So können Sie Ihre Website z. B. schon im Sommer auf das Weihnachtsgeschäft vorbereiten.

Eigene Blueprints erstellen
Sie haben einen umfangreichen Bereich gestaltet und möchten diesen wiederverwenden? Speichern Sie das Layout als Blueprint!

Vielzahl von Portlets
Wählen Sie aus zahlreichen vorhandenen Content- und Layout-Portlets oder holen Sie sich weitere Funktionen im JTL-Extension Store unter Widgets & Portlets.